The Mullet Ratio

UPDATE – B 21 December 2013:

My department developed a week-long performance task about this, and it’s awesome.

UPDATE – 06 February 2016

Karine Rozon of Ontario, Canada has translated the Mullet RatioB into French.B Thanks!
Karine Rozon de l’Ontario, Canada a traduit le Rapport MulletB en franC’ais. Merci beaucoup!

What They Remember

I admit, I would love for my 8th graders to remember a sweet lesson about Systems of Equations (when we used math to convince my wife to buy skis rather than rent them) or something more mathematical than what we did yesterday. But this will probably be the one they tell their parents about.

Mulletude: Just How Mullety Is It?

I was browsing Mr. Piccini’s blog a few weeks ago and came across a simple question: “Who has the more Mullety mullet?”

We’re done with state testing, so why not explore it? Here’s how it went down.


I gave myself a mullet. It was totally worth it; every student came into class with a smile, already curious. It also felt good to say, “Good morning! We’re studying Mullets today.”

A student, certain I was lying, exclaimed to her friend:

“Omigod! Look at the Agenda! It’sB allB about Mullets!”

agenda mullet

Part 1: Warm-up

To get them thinking, I started with this mullet question (#1). No numbers, no right answer, just taking a risk and interacting with a foreign subject.

One student said, “No solution. They’re both terrible.” I loved it.

Part 2: What is a Mullet?

I previously discussed the lesson plan with my teammates, and discovered that some of them didn’t know what a mullet was. After the usual start-up business, I went to this slide.

I threw these two beauties on the board and asked, “Which is more Mullety?”

The best part is that students immediately began using the terms I introduced.

Kelsey: The hillbilly has a little too much Party in the back, even though his Business is the same as the cute guy.
Susy: I think the cute guy has the better mullet because it’s more even.
John: Yeah, his Business and Party are moreB B proportional.

“Hold on to that word for later.” I said to John.

Part 3

I then started introducing different mullets, asking which is more Mullety. I knew I’d baited the hook when a student said, “Can we rank their mulletude?”

Yes! Yes, student! Yes, you can! High five!

Part 4: The Mullet Ratio

Students already recognized the vocab from before, so this transition was very smooth. And (here’s the best part) they all jumped on the math with no groaning. Students lunged for their calculators like they were bagels at a hunger strike.

As a sample, I guided the class as we calculated my mullet ratio on the board (See above; it’s 4.73).

“Show me a thumbs up if you got 4.73… okay, good. You’re ready to go.”

Then I took a seat, moved through the slides with a clicker, called on students (using my random cards), and let them discuss.

The above slide (Lionel Richie vs. me in 1989) led to a great discussion on the differences between mullet, afro, and Jerry Curl.

With calculators, they weren’t afraid of large numbers, and they realized that the ratios were still comparable, even when the units were nanometers and miles. After a few slides, we got into a groove, and I could start asking key questions:

“Mark, you calculate the hockey player, Dariana, you get Uncle Jesse”
“Does that answer make sense?”
“Why do you think his ratio is so much higher?”

I also wanted to emphasize that the measurement doesn’t matter; it’s a ratio between two things. This slide and the one above it really drove that home. The Mullet Family caused a fit of giggles in every period, but who cares? It was fun for me.

“This is the best homework we’ve ever had.”
“Where did you find all of these?”

Part 5: On Your Own

Then I passed out pipe cleaners and rulers, along with copies of this worksheet:

Students fit the pipe cleaner along the hair, then straightened it onto their rulers to find the measurement of the Party. The Business was usually pretty straight.

Ryan: Jeanine’s is more like a ponytail, is that okay?
Bree: How do I know where the Party ends and the Business begins?
Jose: My uncle has a haircut just like Miguel.

Highlight: For Big Daddy, one student used 0.0001 cm for the Business, and got a mullet ratio of 2.5 million. This led to a great discussion of why that happened. What made the ratio so big?

(Also, I managed to make it the whole day without giggling at “the length of Big Daddy’s Business”.)

Part 6: Your Own Mullet Ratio

After students finished, they found their own ratio, which led to another great mathematical revelation for some of them:

Sara: I don’t evenB have a mullet!
Vaudrey: No, but you do have a Mullet Ratio. So find it. And find the Mullet Ratio of four other people, too.

Students worked for a few minutes, finished up their worksheets, and found each others’ ratios. Now here’s my favorite part of the day:

The Discussion

Oh, and some of them calculated the Mullet Ratio of photos on my Wall of Fame. Joe Jonas isn’t really in my 3rd period.

I quickly recorded all the student ratios into Excel and ranked them, then put it on the board and we had a discussion.

“What does it mean to have a Mullet Ratio of 1.0?”
“What does it mean to have a Mullet Ratio of less than 1.0?”
“Why can’t you have a negative Mullet Ratio?”
Student: “If my hair is longer, how come Karla has a higher ratio than me?”
“What’s the Mullet Ratio for Mr. Krasniak (the bald science teacher)?”

That was my favorite question; the initial yells of “One” and “Zero” turned into “No, wait…B undefined!”

B How I Know It Worked

Look at the Excel chart. Students in other periods got Mullet Ratios in the 20s and 30s, even 40s.

…meaning they falsified their data for a higher mullet ratio, and they knew what they were doing.

Teachers, download the materials here:
The Mullet RatioB – PowerPoint
Mullet Ratio Worksheet
Famous Mullets Worksheet

…and let me know if you try it. I’d love to see how this could be improved.

I’ll be writing about theB Barbie BungeeB lesson this week, once some paperwork is done. Until then, go readB Fawn Nguyen’s lesson on the same thing.

UPDATE 14 May 2012:

Wow. Thank you all for the gushing, I’m humbled.
Thanks to dozens of Twittizens (that’s a real word, right?) who linked this page, to Dan Meyer for his review and kudos, and to Peter Price for his ‘Atta boy.

I got an excellent extension from Mr. Bombastic:

I would like to see some additional questions on this day or the next that do not involve measuring and calculating the ratio (just estimation and mental math). For example, sketch a person with a mullet ratio about half that of Barry; or sketch three different looking people with about the same ratio; or a person whose hair is half as long as Barry with a ratio three times as large; or sketch a person that has a mullet ratio ofb&

Also, from Dan Henrickson:

9. Tom has a Mullet Ratio of 6.2. His party in the back is 19 inches. Find the length of his business in the front.
10. Joe has a mullet ratio of 1.7. Find two possibilities for his hair lengths.
11. Write an equation that models all possibilities for Joebs business and party. (define the variables used)
12. Graph all possibilities for Joebs business and party:

Wicked. I’m definitely working those into a warm-up this week, though I’ll probably use the names of students in the class.

UPDATE 31 May 2012:

Thanks to a second-hand recommendation from @nsearcy17, I updated theB Famous Mullets WorksheetB with some doozies.

Update 21 December 2013:

Did I mention that there’s a week-long performance task? Click here for that.

~Matt “Party in the Back” Vaudrey


75 responses to “The Mullet Ratio”

  1. Nathan Kraft (@nathankraft1) Avatar

    Well done sir. I will enjoy stealing this.

  2. andygraham Avatar

    What does it take to start a school? Because I would like to do that with you. Also, I appreciate that you take the time to assign who gets the rolly chair each day.

  3. billselak Avatar

    Arguably the coolest lesson ever. I love how the transition into math and ratios was so natural. #EduAwesome

  4. John Berray Avatar

    Ridiculous buy-in factor. I’m squeezing this in, somewhere. My only regret is that my hair’s not long enough to mullet it up for the lesson. Well done indeed!

  5. beaujjohnson Avatar

    You are an amazing teacher Matt. Nice work:)

  6. beaujjohnson Avatar

    You are an amazing teacher Matt, way to go man:)

  7. Bruce Avatar

    It gives me courage to know teachers like you are out there for Selah!
    My ratio is .4.

  8. M. Reynoso Avatar
    M. Reynoso

    I love it!

    1. colchicine online Avatar

      Hey hey hey, take a gander at what’ you’ve done

  9. […] Vaudrey takes an assist from Timon Piccini with a high-caliber lesson on the math of mullets. The money graf: Students fit the pipe cleaner along the hair, then straightened it onto their […]

  10. emmamccrea Avatar

    I am blown away by your creativity. Love the idea, can’t wait to use it, but will be wearing a mullet wig sorry!

  11. Amanda Avatar

    This is hilarious and wonderful! I am jealous over a lesson on mullets. I will be recreating this lesson, thank you so much for sharing!

  12. Brian E. Bennett (@bennettscience) Avatar

    This makes me wish I taught math. I may steal it anyways for chemistry next year…this is fantastic.

  13. […] is undoubtedly one of the best math lessons I have ever seen. So awesome. Teilen: Im Original auf Google+ verC6ffentlicht  Posted by Marc at […]

  14. denrico Avatar

    Could you extend this into the realm of graphing inequalities by plotting “business length” against “party length”? Maybe show a bunch of “normal” hairstyles and mullets, and try to define a “mullet zone”? Could you name other hairstyles based on this graph? Could you come up with some kind of mullet taxonomy using this metric? Best. Lesson. Ever.

    I don’t know you, sir, but I could hug you. If I ever get the opportunity to teach math, I’m jumping all over this.

    Thank you!

    1. Mr. Vaudrey Avatar
      Mr. Vaudrey
      My jaw dropped when I read your comment and the one on Dan Meyer’s page describing extension activities. I think this lesson can be improved for next year and (if we tackle it early in the semester) be applied to inequalities, too. I love it!
  15. I Speak Math Avatar

    This is amazing! What a FUN way to play with ratios! And, I’m from Ky so I have PLENTY of great mullet pictures that I can pull out of the ol’ yearbook. Thanks for an awesome lesson and sharing your materials!

  16.  Avatar

    this is the best blog post I’ve ever seen

  17. Elizabeth Avatar

    Fabulours. My student teachers are using this for their research lesson in a lesson study cycle. 5 of them are also now sporting Mullets!

  18.  Avatar

    This is the only time in my entire life that I have ever considered cutting my hair into a mullet. Thank you for giving us math teachers a creative and exciting way to teach ratios!

  19. Michael Paul Goldenberg Avatar

    Mullet on, dude!

    This made my 17 y.o. son, an excellent math student who’s been miseducated into basically hating math, laugh aloud repeatedly. And not just the photos. The text is inspired. I’ve passed this along to every math education network I’m connected with, including the h.s. math teachers I coach in Detroit. They may need to make some adjustments, however. I see a whole new nomeclature for Afros in the offing.

  20. gblakney Avatar

    Saw that agenda: How long does this lesson take? I’m sure you’ve seen My demographic really doesn’t grok mullets, but it’s a great cultural phenomenon for them to be exposed to…Thanks for the lesson!

  21. Jazo Moises Avatar

    What is bugles?

  22. John Berray Avatar

    I have a student whose hair is like Spicoli’s. Offered him $20 to “go mullet.” Game on, when I ask him to do it. I’ll be trying the lesson soon.

  23. Andy Avatar

    Awesome lesson! I used it with one class of sixth graders, and they loved it. Many of the girls said they liked it because there were a lot of pictures of “hot guys”.

  24. Dan Henrikson Avatar
    Dan Henrikson

    This is great. Here are three questions that I added for my algebra class.
    9. Tom has a Mullet Ratio of 6.2. His party in the back is 19 inches. Find the length of his business in the front.

    10. Joe has a mullet ratio of 1.7. Find two possibilities for his hair lengths.
    Business: Party: or Business: Party:
    11. Write an equation that models all possibilities for Joebs business and party. (define the variables used)

    12. Graph all possibilities for Joebs business and party:

  25. holcombmath Avatar

    Great lesson! Wanted you to know this is now making the rounds of international schools. I’m predicting a resurgence of mullets in the EU. Cheers from Rotterdam.

  26. […] Matt Vaudrey [Mr. V's Class] > Mullets: The Only Lesson Theybll Remember […]

  27. nphershm Avatar

    This is fantastic – glad Dan Meyer pointed me here.

  28. […] Mullets: The Only Lesson Theybll Remember | Mr. V’s Class […]

  29. […] Mr. V's Class They create, all I do is write it down. Skip to content HomeMr. V on TeachingStudent QuotesWho is Mr. V? ← Mullets: The Only Lesson They’ll Remember […]

  30.  Avatar

    I love teaching my subject areas and you, sir, have done the impossible. For the first time in my entire life, I wish I was a math teacher.

  31. […] Mullets: The Only Lesson Theybll Remember | Mr. V’s Class […]

  32. Jason Dyer Avatar
    Jason Dyer

    From the University of Chicago 2012 Scavenger Hunt.

    165. Side mullet. Business on the left, party on the right. [7 points]

  33. […] Vaudrey -B I stumbled into this blog after the intriguing idea of a math lesson based on mullet ratiosB and stuck around when he continued to post engaging, well-thought-out activities and lessons. I […]

  34. […] Probably my favorite example of a novel approach to math is this proportion lesson about mullets! […]

  35. Charlie Glinche Avatar
    Charlie Glinche

    Great job, I bet the kids enjoy your class and consequently learn as well. I am a teacher in Denver,CO and love mullets. I give kids mullet stickers when they bring in photos of mullets. I am currently growing a mullet in order to halt the drought that our country is going through (long story). You may want purchase snow tires and a really good winter coat because growing a “drought buster” has proven to extremely effective in the past.

  36. […] happened years ago, would have been a good session as well. But since all the materials are already posted for free online, it felt like milking a gimmick. And frankly, I hope that my class has more than one good thing […]

  37. Nancy J. Jones Avatar

    Brilliant! Just loved this and regret all those years ago our one math teacher in a small town didn’t have a little bit more creativity. His annual attempt to carry around 100 pound bag of chicken feed in his teeth around the classroom didn’t really link the stunt to any math, but it did prove he didn’t wear dentures and had an terribly strong neck. I guess any time you get the attention of your students you’ve won half the battle…and that’s not only math, that’s life! Again, loved the post….

  38. Joel Avatar

    Great web site. Lots of helpful info here. I’m sending it to some friends ans also sharing in delicious. And naturally, thanks on your sweat!

  39. shaunteaches Avatar

    great lesson! I will definitely try this one, but could you comment on any issues that come up with pipe cleaner measurements? Were there any problems measuring curvature in the “business” or “party” sections of hair cuts when the hair is combed over or especially in cases when its curly or hard to see? I am just wondering if anything came up the first time with measurement that you will address the second time around.

    thanks again for posting!

    1. Mr. Vaudrey Avatar
      Mr. Vaudrey

      Remember above when the student got a ratio in the millions? That was a great time to talk about error (which I think your question is addressing). For the other classes, they would come to me with different answers on the worksheet and ask, “Which one is correct?”

      They didn’t like when I said, “Both. Why is that?”

  40. tibriel Avatar

    Draw a graph with Business on the x and party on the y. What section of the graph is the mullet zone? What are some other zones that you can define on the graph? If Billy has a mullet ratio of 2 can we draw a line on the graph that represents all his possible hair lengths? What is the equation for that line?

    1. Mr. Vaudrey Avatar
      Mr. Vaudrey

      Oooo, I like this!

  41. […] make engaging connections between mathematics and the ‘real-world’ (e.g., Matt Vaudrey’s Mullets: The Only Lesson They’ll Remember) […]

  42.  Avatar

    My friend Matt has a mullet. Is he a cool cat or a bad badger?

  43. […] Modeling. Mullet Ratio, Matt […]

  44.  Avatar

    I agreed with the making the ratio a slope of a line to compare mullets. We used it to further discuss an undefined line (business 0) versus zero slope (party 0). I will definitely do this before testing next year. It has so much review involved from rational numbers to slope!

  45. […] Dan Enrico for planting this […]

  46. David Knowles (@crteach) Avatar

    As soon as I saw this genius idea I knew I had to try it. Did it with a 9th grade class today – they loved it. Many thanks!

  47. […] We can’t all be geniuses like this. […]

  48. hurricane films Avatar

    Hi there! I know this is kinda off topic but I was wondering which blog platform
    are you using for this website? I’m getting sick and tired of WordPress because I’ve had issues with hackers and I’m looking at options for another platform. I would be great if you could point me in the direction of a good platform.

  49. […] Whether you use this with a class or not, I promise you that you will never read a description of a math lesson that amuses you more than Matt Vaudrey‘s description of his Mullet Ratio Activity. […]

  50. John Scammell Avatar

    I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed reading a description of a math class so much. I laughed out loud (I refuse to write LOL) several times. I assume that you helped your class understand that the most visually appealing mullets have a mullet ratio that approaches the Golden Ratio.

  51. Korina Avatar

    This is inspired! I love it! I will try it next week 🙂 Thanks

  52. […] a Google search for an interesting lesson on Ratios, which took me to Matt Vaudrey’s post on The Mullet Ratio. Towards the end of the post I found a reference to “Barbie Bungee”; intrigued I […]

  53. […] Veterans, some is repetitive from last time, but much is new and […]

  54. Ashley Avatar

    This is awe-inspiring and a tad embarrassing! My kids LOVED it!

  55. […] MTBOS that inspires me to come up with activities that will increase engagement and excitement. His mullet activitiesB are what really inspired me to createB something like […]

  56. […] hereB again a few months ago, with a haircutB (or lackthereof) that might even make Matt Vaudrey […]

  57. […] that students would use the population. Number of selfies per capita is a bigger stretch than, say, party over business. Marc suggested the three successive rankings. I think this will work […]

  58. […] all started in 2012 when Matt Vaudrey, a math teacher in the Moreno Valley Unified School District in California, […]

  59. Jim Windisch (@teacherwithtuba) Avatar

    This may be the greatest math lesson of all time! Thank you so much for sharing.

  60. Greg Avatar

    Love the mullet idea. I have a mullet wig from Halloween years back that has been waiting for this moment. I hope the kids get hooked on the idea too.

  61. […] ratio and live happily ever after. B But the best lesson ever for ratios, of course, isB this little known gem right here. I’m too damn chicken to sport this hairdo now though. I still have 79 more days to rethink […]

  62. […] 1 and 2. They worked well in groups. I’m proud to say that my kidsB do these 3-Acts likeB Matt VaudreyB does mullets.B If there were a 3-Act lessonB throwdown, my kids would kill it. However, the […]

  63. […] the best lesson ever for ratios, of course, isB this little known gem right here. I’m too damn chicken to sport this hairdo now though. I still have 79 more days to rethink […]

  64. […] seeing so many awesome ideas on the interwebs. Seriously folks, I just read about a lesson on ratios involving Mullets.B You can’t make this shit up. Y’all are awesome and amazing and I can’t wait to […]

  65. […] face it, we are always looking for ways of making lessons engaging. B Mr Vaudrey’s Mullet Ratio lesson looks like it nailed that requirement and I would say you could add ‘laugh out loud […]

  66. Amanda Cadden Avatar
    Amanda Cadden

    THANK YOU!!!! We (as a 7th grade class) had a mullet contest this week! I told them at the beginning of the week they had to make a paper mullet (paper head band with short hair in front, long in back). The “best” mullet would win!! They were pumped all week! Today we found the “mulletitude” of their mullets after your lesson and it was a blast!! Thank you!!! (I would upload a photo, but I can’t figure out how..)

  67. Taryn McMillen Avatar
    Taryn McMillen

    Just reading this has given me life. p I am so excited to figure out where I can work this task in with my students!!

  68. Jillian Harvey Avatar
    Jillian Harvey

    The links aren’t working for me :S Is there somewhere else I can download this lesson?

    1. Matt Vaudrey Avatar
      Matt Vaudrey

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