Port in a Storm

Real talk: Autumn has been crazy in the Vaudrey household. Between prepping for CMC-South, traveling the country to talk about math education, and moving my family across town, this li’l blog has been neglected. The next several posts in the #DearClaire series...

Dear New Teachers

It gets better. Really, it sucks now, but you’ll have more and more great days and less and less days that you wanna quit and move in with your parents. Working with new teachers in my role as a coach, I ask the question: “Why are you a teacher?”...


Samantha (not Sam; do not call her Sam) joined our 5th/6th period a couple weeks into the school year. Fifth period was math, sixth period was “Intervention”: a full hour where students with learning challenges had iPads, me, and no curriculum. It was an absolute...