What’s better than data? Pointless data.

As you may have noticed from some past posts, Matt Vaudrey likes data.

Somebody graphed "Sports I Hate to Watch".
Somebody graphed “Sports I Hate to Watch”.

So if the smell of oneB datum gets me jazzed, you can imagine my excitement when I saw this.

Seriously, there’s not much more that I can say about it. Go do it.

Here‘s my collected data, which was both chillingly accurate and slightly depressing. Two highlights:



This tells me two things: I am too verbose for the everyman…

…and I need to shut the hell up about my domestic pursuits. My interior design habit is getting out of hand, surpassing even my gardening!

Wow, babe! That one in the middle is still alive! What is that anyway... oak?
Wow, babe! That one in the middle is still alive! What is that anyway… maple? Or watermelon?

BTW:B It’s apparently a math teacher thing, too;B DanB also likes data for data’s sake.



3 responses to “What’s better than data? Pointless data.”

  1. Fawn Nguyen Avatar

    Okay, Matt, I zeeblied my FB account too. Guess what my top 3 were? Education, Sports, then Food. Pretty good. I was just glad it didn’t count the number of choice words I may have used. Please feel free to tweet a pic or two of your baby before she becomes a teenager!! Oh, maybe by then you’ll look 19. 🙂

  2. Amy Zimmer Avatar

    Hello Matt,

    I LOVE YOUR BLOG! I love your verbosity, I love your obsessive devotion to your baby girl, I love your love of data, and I love hearing about all of it.

    I will collect my data and blog about it…thank you for the swift kick in the butt. More importantly, gotta get my students to look at their data. Have you seen the video at http://thestoryofbottled.org? I used it as a jumping off point in my Algebra class for exponents.

    Happy New Year! Wishing you the best for an amazing semester.


    PS Stop by and see my daughter’s Tufts app one minute video “who are you?” Just so you can start planning now…oy

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