Today, my iPad class all got trained in DropBox, the online file-sharing service.
One student got a tough lesson.
All students downloaded the app and signed in with the same email and password. If you’re interested, click here to see how and why.
During the installation process, I specifically said, “Click LOGIN, then wait and do nothing.”
One student clicked ALLOW AUTO UPLOAD and a few dozen of her picturesB uploaded to the class folder. A nicer teacher would have quickly deleted them.
The whole class could see my iPad mirrored on the screen as I scrolled through OneDirection, Justin Bieber and a few of her self-portraits with duckface.
The student was, of course, mortified as I showed how easy it is to save a picture of Bruno Mars and use it as my background.
I’m an educator. Today, I taught about online privacy.
(Credit to my brother for the Romney joke. It made the debates adorable.)
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