Cheese Crackers – iPad Pics

There was one more tech integration on the Cheese Cracker Square Root Showdown.

Students in the iPad class were prompted to explain (via picture) the lesson to the next class.

They took a picture, edited in Skitch, then uploaded to the class DropBox folder. Some of them are pretty sweet.

Photo upload tip:

Have students put their name on the photo somewhere. They are very sad if they have to re-do the whole thing.


5 responses to “Cheese Crackers – iPad Pics”

  1. […] ← April Auction Cheese Crackers – iPad Pics → […]

  2. andygraham Avatar

    Nerdy technology question: are there any apps that your kids use that the school has paid for? Or do your kids just use free apps? Any good ones besides Skitch that you use?

    1. Matt Vaudrey Avatar
      Matt Vaudrey

      All the apps we use are free, except the textbook app, which was bought in bulk like a textbook adoption. Each student has their own Apple ID, so they can download whatever they want.

  3. Cathy Yenca Avatar

    Love it! And here Ibve been using square centimeters as unitsb& square crackers are much more fun!

  4.  Avatar

    I just did this exact same thing this week with my students. I now think I am going to revisit it since a few days have passed and have them use the ipads to review what they have learned,

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