Sure Feels Like Quitting

Wednesday – Last Day in the Classroom

All four periods requested to throw a going-away party. I can take that as a sweet sentiment after I’ve made a difference in their lives all year…or a bunch of middle-schoolers lunging at any opportunity to have soda in class.

It’s probably about 30-70.

We packed up my personal effects, snacked on Hot Cheetos for 50 minutes, cleaned up for 3 minutes, then I told them this:

“In cultures, when people are leaving to do new things, usually they are given a blessing or a commission. As my 8th graders promote to high school, usually I give a blessing, but I am leaving early, so we’re doing it today.B Some cultures place hands on the shoulders of the person who’s leaving, but there are too many of you, so I’ll just do this:”

I hold my hands out over them, palms down.

“May you be passionate problem-solvers and curious critics. May you be loyal to your friends, obedient to people in charge, friendly to strangers, and kind to those in need. May you be safe, healthy, loved, and happy, and may you becomeB more of those every day. May you every day become a better version of yourself. You have 54 days left of 8th grade. Make them count.”

Bell rings. Out they go. I turn in my keys and leave.

Tuesday – Two Days Left in the Classroom

Vaudrey: You know how sometimes I’m silly and tell jokes? This isn’t one of those times. What I’m about to tell you isn’t a joke.

Nathan: Are you dying?
Jane: Are we in trouble?
Angel: He’s totally dying.
Diane: Just shut up and listen to him!

Vaudrey: You will have a sub on Thursday and Friday; you already knew that. And when you come back from Spring Break, you will have a different math teacher. Tomorrow B is my last day here with you.

Class: What? Why?

Vaudrey: Those meetings I had at the District were job interviews. I’m going to be a Teacher Coach. I’ll take ideas from what our class does and go show other classes how to do it.

Noah: Wow. This sucks.
Diana: No! You’re the reason I get excited about learning!
Marie starts crying.
Ashley:B Can I have your Justin Bieber Picture?
Alex: Can I have your Mr. Vaudrey sign?
Asia: You should give us something because we’re your favorite class.
Andy: Do you get paid more money?
Laura: What kind of cake do you like?
Mando: Does your wife know about this?
Vaudrey: Yeah, she’s okay with it.
Victor: Of courseB sheB is;B she’sB not getting herB heartB broken!
Vaudrey: Please keep it quiet until the end of the day, so I can tell each class personally. I want them to hear it from me.
Linda: [Red-faced and tears in her eyes] What if I can’t learn from the new teacher?

Monday – Three Days Left in the Classroom

“Did you get the joab?” Asked Ms. Zipper–my RSP Aide for 5th period–her distinct Brooklyn accent apparent in her enthusiasm.

“Yeah, I did.” I gave a pained grin. “It’s bittersweet; I don’t want to leave my students mid-year.”

“Oh!” She stammered. “When do you start?”

“The Monday after break. My last day is Wednesday.”

“This Wednesday?” Asked Zipper, her eyebrows raising and head tilting in a distinct New England mannerism. “Yoah kids are gonna lose it.”

Friday – Four Days Left in the Classroom

My phone rings as I’m grading our benchmarks in the teacher’s lounge. It’s Bobbi from district H.R.,B offering me a position as Professional Development Specialist. She says I start Monday, April 7th.

April 7th is the first day back from our 2-week Spring Break, which starts Friday.
Plus the CUE Conference is this Thursday-Saturday.

I gulped, realizing that I had three more days with my students to tell them, pack up my class, and leave.

Well… shoot.

~Matt “Change Hurts” Vaudrey

*That was the humblest way I could explain what a Professional Development Specialist does, without making it sound like I’m ditching them.


12 responses to “Sure Feels Like Quitting”

  1. Robert Kaplinsky Avatar

    Wow. Ok, I am glad you are not leaving education. I can imagine this was such a difficult decision. I remember how hard it was when I made the same decision and it wasn’t as hard as it is for you being mid-year. You will come to love the new opportunities you have to grow and learn. I still miss the connections I have with my students, but it is replaced by being able to reach even more students through more teachers. Good luck Matt.

  2. @jstevens009 Avatar

    Best of luck to you, my friend. Although, it isn’t really luck. It’s more like “best of peace and resolve to you” since you don’t need the luck. The whole reason you’re getting this new opportunity is because you’ve never relied on luck. You’ve relied on your relationships with those you work next to. I look forward to hearing how this next chapter shapes you and being there to support you whenever you ask.

  3. Cathy Yenca Avatar

    Congrats to you! This sounds like a perfect opportunity for you. I “abandoned” my students in Pennsylvania in March, 2012 to move to Texas and had a similar mid-year experience. Looking forward to following your journey here!

  4. laura molina Avatar
    laura molina

    mr.vaudrey please come and visit us the class seems so empty without you. we need your dancing and laughter. once you go in the class you could feel the sadness. the walls look horrible. your desk looks so boring. i remember every time i looked at your desk you were sitting there, and today i looked again and it was boring and ugly. we miss you please visit us soon.

  5. Adriana Barajas Avatar
    Adriana Barajas

    hello Mr.Vaudrey … well this is Adriana Barajas from your 4th period ex class lol Well the ” sexy class ” as Andrew taylor use to say , we really miss you we get you have a better job offer but we are truly gonna miss our best teacher out there our ” silly goose ” … I never really cried over a teacher because they are not COOL ha well good luck on your new job we will miss you btw( by the way ) our class is going crazy with out you it isn’t the same no more .. we will always remember our best math teacher Matt Vaudrey or as we were supposed to say ” Mr.Vaudrey ” Good bye … /:

  6. Shaun Errichiello Avatar

    Are you working in New York City? I am teaching in district 2 and hoping you can work with us

    1. Matt Vaudrey Avatar
      Matt Vaudrey

      I live is Southern California, and I am available for trainings. Send me an email. Mattvaudrey@gmail

  7. Jantina Torres Avatar
    Jantina Torres

    Your blog is exciting and full of interesting images. Congratulations on becoming a Math Coach for the district. Your students will miss you, but now you will be able to touch so many more through other teachers. Instead of impacting only your students, now you will be able to provide a positive influence over all students within your district. Good luck on your new endeavor.

  8. Becky Vaudrey Avatar
    Becky Vaudrey

    Matt!! This is beautiful!!! And what a fantastic blog!! Blessings on your new adventures in Education. Glad you are in it — it needs you! Rest assured that there is still a ‘Ms Vaudrey’ forming/molding/warping/’tormenting’ 8th graders … on the other side of the globe. (They are exactly the same in Beijing!!! 🙂

  9. […] ← Sure Feels Like Quitting […]

  10. A girl Avatar
    A girl

    Mr . vaudrey , you need to come vist your first period class. Instead of always your 5th and 6th period class. We all miss you. We don’t understand math anymore. Were so behind in our lessons. We get a different math teacher almost every week. And none of them can teach good. I don’t even understand and when i ask for help they ignore me. Math is just HARD now . But i hope you love your new job . I hope you’ll come visit us before school ends . WITH PICKLE . (: well that’s it
    ~ some random girl in your first period class .

  11. […] year ago this week, I left the classroom to take a coaching position, not knowing if I would ever return. It was a […]

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