Teacher Pay

I’ve been out of the class for about a month.

My co-workers and new bosses in the District Office have led me to many new conversations about Education (on and off the clock).

If you don’t mind, fill in this anonymous form so I can make a graph of (what is probably) an inverse correlation. I’ll share it when I’m done.

UPDATE: Also, if you know the pay of anybody else, feel free to enter it as well. It just occurred to me that very few District Administrators are on Twitter or read my blog.

[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”forms/d/1y3mVBjS5bXR6dwT03AtklLKplSzuaiqQQ1OihDMomL8/viewform” query=”embedded=true” width=”760″ height=”900″ /]


5 responses to “Teacher Pay”

  1. Mary Avatar

    I don’t know enough of these numbers to answer right now (and have a hybrid position–I’m a classroom teacher but also a mentor which means some of the time I’m working more with my resident than with my students).

    I did want to know why the first two numbers are the same–those I do know. I would argue that I spend 9 hours per day working with students, although technically I teach only 5 of those hours–I wouldn’t include lunch and before and after school in there, even though I’m almost always with students then. Just my two cents!

  2. CC Avatar

    I interpreted question 1 as – How many hours a day do you work one on one with students. And question 2 as How many hours a day do you spend teaching. Maybe that’s not what you meant?

  3. andygraham Avatar

    I am immensely curious about the results of this.

  4. Leah Sanchez Avatar
    Leah Sanchez

    A lot of things have changed in class since u have been gone Mr.Vaudrey. For instance I have to watch YouTube videos on new lessons that I can never quite grasp. Oh yeah did u decide a name for your new kid yet?i kinda never got to find out. Anway I just had an urge to bug sorry

  5. Mike M Avatar
    Mike M

    I think to go along with the pay question, I was expecting a question about the number of years I had been working in that role.

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