While driving between school sites after a morning of silent SBAC testing, I sighed and realized,B I don’t have much to blog about these days.
Which isn’t to sayB Nothing meaningful is happeningB norB I don’t have much to say,B I’m just finding other places to say it.
With that, here’s a prompt from #YourEduStory:
Describe your ideal conference: What is covered? Who is present?
Oooo, ideal. I love that word.
The Professional League of Unconventional Risk-Takers,B
The PLURT Conference
[googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”document/d/1PwmJ6b4G1aCnSxwspJebRzjzUDVuZ_czp5VnXL6lv8Q/pub” query=”embedded=true” width=”800″ height=”1415″ /]
There are four things happening aboveB that furrow one’s brow:
- Keynote Address
- Discussion-based sessions
- Tool-based Sessions
- EdCamp Sessions
Conference attendees find value in each of these things individually, and rather than build a conference around keynotes and tool-based sessionsB (such a conference would surely entertain, but not challenge), the PLURT conference seeks to have enough of all four categoriesB to sate all comers.
Also, the PLURT conferenceB won’t have these things:
- Free tote bags with the PLURT logo – That money goes toward the breakfast, which is satisfying for longer than a swag bag.
- Awards – approximately 60B people cheered for Diane Main at CUE15, and she damn near walks on water. The remaining 5000 weren’t inspired to follow her on Twitter or read her blog (both of which, you should go do right now).
- Board recognition/nominations – PLURT board is run likeB jury duty, but optional; twice a year letters go out, and you can decline to serve if you so desire.
- Regional meetings – Instead, expand your mind and chat with somebody from Canada. That’s how I got fantastic ideas for my dream school from Kyle Pearce.
- Gear Raffle – “This new document camera goes to someoneB nominated during the week, who is new to the profession and in need of new equipment.”
- Door monitors – You wanna leave? Leave. You wanna sit in an empty room and brainstorm with new colleagues? Mazel tov, go for it.
- Grumpies – because after sitting in traffic and arriving late, you deserve a free coffee and a yogurt.
Let’s learn together.
~Matt “#PLURT16” Vaudrey
1. Yes, a keynote address. I haven’t yet decided what the purpose of a keynote is globally, but my survey so far seems to agree that “Inspire” is high on the list of what Keynotes should do, so we can open the PLURT conference with one.b)
2. …and the surviving cast of Star Wars re-enacts the Battle of Yavin on a scale model built out of legos while feeding me stuffed-crust pizza. Then we all go for a swim in a pool full of the tears of Stop Common Core supporters.b)
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