My 10,000 Days Old Party

You know what’s a goofy number? 365.
It’s not even an accurate way to measure the movement of the Earth.

Birthdays happen ALL the time. If you’re in a room right now with more than 23 people in it, chances are better than 50% that two people have the same birthday.

If you have 40 people, the chances are 90%.

It’s not special anymore. Readers whose ages are a non-important number know this to be true. I turn 28 this year. Who cares?

10,000 however, now that’s an important number. One worth celebrating.

Thursday, March 8th, 2012 was my 10,000th day on the planet, so my wife and I had a party about it.

Also, my students had a test to take on Friday, which left me with three 90-minute periods to make posters for the party.

I’m not gonna lie, it was a lot of fun to make these.

The party was well-attended, with everyone making their own day-tags. Even the dog got a tag (207) and our pregnant friend (-113).


Credit where credit is due, it was Andy that first got me thinking about this a few years ago.

…and my family supplied the soundtrack.


Also, to calculate how many days old you are, click here.

…and I better see your number in the comment section.


5 responses to “My 10,000 Days Old Party”

  1. andygraham Avatar

    Best part is that you had a middle school T.A. help you design the posters, and my guess is that’s not the weirdest thing you’ve had her help you do. Not by a long shot.

  2.  Avatar

    “If youbre in a room right now with more than 23 people in it, chances are better than 50% that you have the same birthday as somebody else.”

    Common misconception. In fact, if there are (at least) 23 (randomly chosen) people in a room, chances are better than 50 % that ANY TWO of those people share the same birthday.

  3. Kiki Avatar

    Today is my 10000th day. I feel like it should be a momentous occasion but it’s rather difficult to garner support for that. I should have thrown a party! I think the fact that almost everyone recognises the importance of a birthday, as stupid as multiples of 365 may be, is what makes it special. I wish everyone celebrated 10000 days!

  4. Ananth Avatar

    It’s my 10000th day today. Coincidentally i found your postp

  5. Aldayne Avatar

    Today’s also my 10,000th day, I think people should reinvent the mold and do things that are more unorthodox, like these instead of celebrating a specific day of birth. celebrate the day that has significance to your life outside of your birth, also remind your friends about it two to three weeks in advance and then about 5 days before and see how many of them remember I’m currently doing this with my best friend and I won’t be bothering her and I *don’t* think she will remember, (we are birthday twins but she’s older) a matter of fact I don’t even know what I’m going to do for the day I have right now poem for myself with some help and want to write 10,000 10 different ways.

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