What’s Missing?

This tweet caught my eye last week. @mr_stadel @robertkaplinsky @Jstevens009 @MrVaudrey do you guys think you would be more effective coaches if you taught one period a day? — Tim McCaffrey (@timsmccaffrey) November 14, 2014 Three things on that. 1.) I’d be a...

Good Ideas

Here’s what’s happening. Music Cues A teacher, previously averse to new tech tools, installed iTunes and added my collection of Music Cues to it. She’s planning on using a few to start up, then adding more as she gets more comfortable. That exact...

#GTAATX Application

Together with John Stevens and Karl Lindgren-Streicher, I’ve been brainstorming an interesting way to apply for the Google Teacher Academy for months. As of August, our plan was a rap with a beat we composed, referencing each other in our videos and starring in...

A Great Day

Today was a great day. Linear and Non-linear Functions Today, the lesson was on linear and non-linear functions. After plotting points and noticing that a ruler can’t go through all five, we stood up, hands at our sides. I stood on a desk. Because it’s my...