This tweet tagged me (in the responses) this week, and myB response is more than 140 characters long.
Anyone have an AppleTV for their classroom? Apparently I’m getting one and iPad minis. Do I want to use this with or instead of smart board?
b Tina Cardone (@crstn85) August 28, 2014
One of many things I like about the #mtbos is the math conversations that happen one line at a time.
It just so happens, I have a lot of thoughtsB on this particular topic, more than I could share on a tweet.
On SmartBoards
While it’s not the focus of this post, I had one of these. As with most technology, it’s tempting to drop it in someone’s lap with little to no preparation, and be disappointed when the individual doesn’t produce Nobel-Prize winning lessons after a week. Every classroom at my school had a SmartBoard, and I never saw a lesson that did anything more innovative than I did.
And I wasn’t doing much.
Tina, if you can afford both, great. ButB if you’re between the two, spend the money on tech that promotesB student creativity, insteadB teacher creativity. I loved my SmartBoard, but the stuff that my students created in an hour was much more satisfying than anyB cool lesson design.
And speaking of that…
On AppleTV in the Classroom
I had one in my 8th grade Math class for two years. Here’s the quick version:
- Students (on the same network as the Apple TV) can quickly and easily share their work with the whole class. My struggling students suddenly became the star as they showcased their problem-solving on the wall and walked the class through their reasoning. Below, you can see two students teaching the class from their iPads duringB