Tag: common corgi

  • Common Corgi: Mascot of Common Core

    Marcia and I were discussing the need for a Common Core mascot this morning. She’s a dog person, so we came up with…

    The Common Corgi.

    Common Corgi - speak

    Common Corgi - word problems

    Common Corgi - cite

    Common Corgi - effective tools

    Common Corgi - independence

    Common Corgi - investigate

    Common Corgi - literacy

    Submitted byB Matt Enlow:

    Common Corgi - staircase

    Got an idea? Tell me about it:

    [googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”forms/d/1B6pnVQucRtggbO0m2nndYN81HQasvXZMqUNtchM3A_U/viewform” query=”embedded=true” width=”760″ height=”720″ /]


    ~Matt “My Corgi Is Not Common” Vaudrey