Tag: covid19

  • #PostCovidChart

    A reporter from Mashable reached out with some questions about my tweet from last week. One of her questions is a whole body of work by itself, so I’m adding more thoughts that wouldn’t fit in her article [link to come].

    4.) Ibd love to hear more about your entire lower left quadrant. How did the pandemic change school in a way you want it to maintain? Why donbt you think itbs likely to happen?

    There are plenty of exceptionally social students for whom pandemic ruined their experience of school this year. Loads of high school students fall into this category, as does my second-grade daughter.

    Additionally, there are loads of students who have flourished with the absence of the distracting (and sometimes overwhelming) classroom environment, like my Kindergarten son. Hebs plowed through several years worth of math instruction, but he will likely struggle for the remainder of this year to adjust to the structure of a classroom environment and the expectations that come with it. Today, he was upset because they played Simon Says for too long, and when he’s at home, he can quit stuff whenever he wants.

    For both of those groups of students, we teachers have had to adjust our academic expectations and ask questions webve been able to avoid for years.

    • Whatbs the minimum amount for a student to show mastery of a topic?
    • How do we know if theybve mastered the topic, and what do we do if they donbt?
    • Whatbs the purpose of high-stakes assessments, and are there other ways to get the same information?
    • Is there a pattern for which students are doing well and which ones are struggling with remote learning?

    For teachers like me, the social dynamic and the academic one are inseparable, and webre hustling, finding ways to adequately and accurately teach students whose learning environment might be distracting, unreliable, or otherwise inequitable.

    The kids in my house have won the Privilege Bingo; we have plenty of art supplies, books, reliable Internet, quiet places to work, and two parents who work reasonable hours and can be involved in the kidsb schooling, so my family is going to be fine. The other students will be disproportionately affected by a this year, where schools were unable to serve them.

    And all these students will be in the same classes as my kids next year, so how do teachers adjust our expectations to include everybody, while providing extra for the students that need it?

    It’s going to take more than a snazzy app to create fair conditions as classes return to school buildings.

    There are plenty of education companies chomping at the bit to cash in on blearning lossb, which many educators (including me) consider to be a fallacy.

    No students blostb anything in the last year, but we will need to provide accommodations for every student, even kids like mine who logged in every day and did the work.

    I haven’t really suggested any solutions here, because a windfall of Education funding is unlikely to drop from the sky. If the state superintendent called me up, I’d suggest smaller class sizes, more adults in classes, and two free meals for every child, K-12 before we get to classroom culture training, hiring full-time implicit bias and racism instructors, and moving the start time later in the day for High School students.

    Since that phone call is unlikely to happen, I need to be ready for my local schools readjusting the funding that we have to make do.

    And here’s the tough pill for some middle-class, white families to swallow:

    As a parent, I must be prepared for our neighborhood school to allocate resources toward groups of students who donbt/didnbt have the resources at home that my kids do. Dr. Tyrone C. Howard defined equity as bgiving more to students who have historically gotten less,b and privileged families like me need to be enthusiastically in favor of these measures, since webre all living in the same world.

    Inequity anywhere is a threat to equity everywhere.

    ~Matt “Willing to sacrifice a little, because my kids are going to be fine” Vaudrey

  • First Day of Distance Learning

    When I was in college, I was a voracious and brave eater. I would boast to my friends, “Ice cream, sushi, pizza; even when they’re bad, it’s still better than no ice cream, sushi, or pizza.”

    I was 19 and narrow-minded about a lot, not just gas-station sushi.

    a plucky, 19-year-old Matt and his equally plucky 19-year-old girlfriend

    Now I’m pushing 40 and willing to spend double the money to have excellent ice cream, sushi, or pizza. The truth I’ve found in the last half of my life is this:

    The worst version of something is not better than none of it.

    The Worst Version of School

    Teammates in Bonita USD, friends on Twitter and elsewhere, and I have spent a long time prepping to teach online. I’ve sent probably dozens of tweets about relationships first and making students feel less stressed online.

    Hell, taking a brave risk was my theme at two webinars I gave this summer.

    But here’s the thing.

    We’re all thinking it.

    This… just… sucks.*

    Getting ready for the first day of school and driving to a nearly-empty campus to sit in front of a screen and teach in an empty classroom?

    That sounds like purgatory designed to torture teachers like me. A school with no kids in it? School where the relationships are minimized and everything is delivered through a Chromebook and an 11-inch screen?


    My 2nd-grader has to navigate between her Zoom window and Chrome quickly enough to track with her teacher. She’s a strong reader and a great communicator. She has two parents who value education and can be present during school. She has her own device from school, a quiet place to work, and reliable internet, and she is overwhelmed and frustrated daily. Today it was, “I hate distance learning and I wanna be back in school!”

    a boy with his head in his hands, pencil and notebook on the table.

    For most of my career as a teacher, I’ve felt like master and commander of all that happens within my four walls.

    If a kid needs water or food, go to my snack drawer.
    Squirrelly and needing a break? Take these Post-its down to Ms. Allizadeh’s class.
    You’re pissed because your friend is being mean? Come eat lunch in here; you don’t have to sit with them today and maybe we try again tomorrow.

    I can’t do anything to help most of the barriers facing students while they learn remotely. If the kids in my homebwho have won privilege bingo and are well-prepared to be successfulbare struggling, how in the world can I reach the kids who don’t have all these resources?

    As the master and commander of my four walls, I’m feeling ownership and responsibility for this, the worst version of school.

    But Marian said it well:

    You did not conspire to create these conditions. None of us did. While I know that you are busy looking for the right answer to your moral dilemmas, and the right platform and right tools, none exist. And that is not your fault.

    Marian Dingle (link)

    As we begin to scramble and do the best for our kids, it’s important that we remember:

    Chinabwhere COVID-19 originatedbhas been back in school since May.
    Italybthe European nation with the highest infection rate in Marchbis back to school next month.
    The countries who are still remote-learning are broadcasting educational content via TV and radio, hosting Ed/Tech resources for free on government sites, and enforcing mask mandates in public places (source).

    As a teacher, I find myself slipping into self-blame while attempting to structure the best digital environment I can. By taking responsibility for distance learning, I’m discretely inheriting the blame for the worst version of school.

    Let’s remind ourselves:

    With leadership that recognized the COVID-19 threat early and attempted to prevent the spread, this would be very different.

    So I’m pointing my frustrating toward DC, not toward myself.

    ~Matt “making Adobe Spark graphics to control my frustration” Vaudrey

    *NOTE: This idea does not discount the hard work that teachers like John are doing to make distance learning as meaningful as possible. I can’t wait to see how y’all do when you’re allowed to fully flex your muscles back in a brick-and-mortar classroom.