• Google Teacher Academy


    How the Most Exalted Conference in EdTech Was Exactly What I Expected, But Not In The Way That You Think

    Fifty-two of us from all over the continent converged on Austin for two days of … something. We weren’t sure exactly what to expect; the agenda (initially public) had been locked from view sometime that weekend, so we hoped that was a good thing.

    My own district treated my acceptance to the academy (a month ago) with more excitement and reverence than I expected. My director, Kris, is likely to thank for that; there’s a very good chance she had conversations with cabinet members explaining why it’s a big deal.

    Thanks, Kris.

    Here’s why I went:

    Screenshot 2014-12-04 at 10.33.15 AM

    Thanks to Twitter and blogging, I know of a lot of outstanding teachers. Most of them–the ones equipping students with 21st-century skills–have a little badge on their websiteB that says,

    GCT badge

    My role models (click here for a list) have this qualification, so I wanted it, too.

    The application process (documented here) was stringent, but definitely worth it. I knew my cohort had worked as hard as I to apply.

    Near and Far

    GTAATX Location

    You probably noticed what I did, so check this out:

    GTAATX CA v TX v Everywhere else

    This academy was in Texas, which likely contributes to the spike. Regardless, California was well-represented.

    With one Canadian subbing.
    With one Canadian subbing.

    What Types of People

    As you can see below, the average age of attendees was 37, and we stretched from 26 to 49.

    GTAATX Age

    Within a few hours of arriving, I was grouped with two teachers who were…B veteran enough to have me as a student 20 years ago. Both showed and/or taught me something cool.

    It was a fresh reminder that–as I often insist to my teachers–age does not necessarily correlate to tech ability.

    GTAATX Roles

    Stevens pointed out that it’s likely people were reluctant to select “Stooge” as their job title.

    GTAATX drinks
    Stuck on a desert island with one beverage. One member wrote, “Choose between wine and coffee? This is the hardest decision all week.”

    GTAATX Relationship status

    The next question asked,B “How stoked were you/your employer for GTAATX and these parts of it?”

    GTAATX Stoked

    What a bummer that 5.02/10 was the average excitement for districts and schools. Doesn’t match the group’s excitement at all.

    I can’t relate; my district gave me the time off, covered expenses, and drafted a press release and an article in the paper. It’s a great place to work.

    Fun Data

    And, in the spirit of silly math, here are some interesting data:

    [googleapps domain=”docs” dir=”presentation/d/15o-BLsrtVutyFgUpGtMFmk5sEwki_umXXqRAo7Qa_aU/embed” query=”start=false&loop=true&delayms=60000″ width=”1440″ height=”300″ /]

    Exactly What I Expected

    TwoB attendees (separately) pulled me aside and asked if I was underwhelmed. As a lifelong optimist, my expectations rarely match reality, with its rough edges and imperfections. The last 30 years have seasoned me to adjust idealism (Twitter’s perception of GTA) with reality (52 game-changers from across the continent in one room).

    I had some fantastic conversations, drank some great local beer, and bowled a 79. Teachers from Ontario to Missouri to Mexico challenged me to rethink my mindset, brainstormed solutions to my Moonshot problem, and encouraged me; B I hope some were encouraged by me, as well.

    And some I’ll probably never contact again. That’s the thing about getting big personalities in one room; we’re gonna disagree.

    [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tmdaa1QX6TU#t=50]

    In high school, I never studied. I showed up, napped, and got a B.

    When I went to college, I had to work harder to keep my place in the upper quartile of academics.

    Upper Quartile is not a defensive formation for the Steelers.

    GTA was like EdTech College; many of us came from schools and districts (even counties) where we were the smartest kid in class. For two days, the bigB fish leftB their small ponds and droppedB into a wading pool…

    No, that’s not the analogy I want…

    TastyB appetizers from several menus are spread on one table…

    Eh, that’s closer…

    A bunch of CEOsB start a business. Working together and sharing ideas with each other,B two days would be woefully insufficient to drink up all the great stories and experiences and knowledge in one room.

    GTAATX Everybody

    Drew addresses the temptation to coastB after completing a big project, Rachel expresses thankfulness, and I make dopey charts by cramming math into inappropriate places.

    … that sounds about right.

    Here’s a list of all the books recommended by the GTAATX cohort. It seems selfish to keep that list to myself.

    ~Matt “Google Certified Teacher” Vaudrey

  • #GTAATX Application

    Together with John Stevens and Karl Lindgren-Streicher, I’ve been brainstorming an interesting way to apply for the Google Teacher Academy for months.

    As of August, our planB was a rap with a beat we composed, referencing each other in our videos and starring in quick cameos.

    We quickly realized threeB things as the deadline for Austin was announced.

    1. The beat that we (okay… the beat that I) composed was not very good. Making it good enough would take longer than I wanted to spend, plus there are tons of Creative Commons-licensed songs for free downloadB if you’re a teacher.
    2. The rap would limit our creativity, and we’d have three nearly identical videos instead of three that showcased our unique classrooms and educational philosophy.
    3. One minute is not very much time at all.

    So we made a Voxer channel, made a shared folder in Google Drive and gave each other editing rights, and asked for feedback.

    sharing page
    This is from Karl’s doc. He brought some other Edu-ringers in as well.

    Let me stress; this is a microcosm of the same attitude that has grown all three of us into the educators that we are today. We ask peers for help and drink it up when we get it.

    Between Voxer (where we dropped any and all inspiration we had and bounced ideas off each other) and the shared Docs (which I won’t share with you, so stop asking), we each took the general concepts that the three of usB shared and fine-tuned them to be specific to ourselves.

    We encouraged and trimmed ideas in equal measure, and at the end, we had three very different videos that showcase three very similar mindsets.

    In short, we actually modeled the collaboration that we promote to our teachers while we made a video about collaboration with teachers.

    keanu whoa

    Here’s mine:

    When I showedB my video to Karl and John, they bothB said, “Yep. That’s Vaudrey.”

    Here are their videos, too:

    The best part? I just wore the fairy costume and went about my regular day as EdTech Coach.

    I trained students on Google Forms and URL shorteners.
    I trained students on Google Forms and URL shorteners.
    I met with a teacher to help her utilize web resources for 3rd grade Social Studies
    I met with a teacher to help her utilize web resources for 3rd grade Social Studies.

    The only real weird part of the shoot was that I’m still new to the district;

    many of these teachers hadn’t met me in person before I was putting on glitter wings in the teacher’s lounge.

    "Hi, are you Wendy? I'm Matt; did you email me about iPads?"
    “Hi, are you Wendy? I’m Matt; did you email me about iPads? Also, can you zip me?”

    Also priceless wereB the student responses to the Google Fairy walking through campus.

    Elementary School: “It’s a fairy man! Hi, Fairy Man!”

    Middle School: “Oh! It’s… uh… he’s the Google Fairy. Aren’t you hot?”

    High School: “I love your costume! [Takes picture]
    High School: “What the f***?”

    ~Matt “Google Fairy” Vaudrey