Dear Diary,
I am a school administrator now!
@lhms_school lions are off to a great start! Welcome @MrVaudrey ! @lhmsroar #Bonitafirstday
b Bonita USD (@BonitaUSD) August 19, 2019
You can relax, Diary; Ib m not breaking up with you. Blogging has been a sizeable part of my life and career, and I wouldnb t be the reflective, growth-focused educator that I am without you listening to my thoughts for the last thirteen years.
The last five years as Instructional Technology Coach serving the staff at Lone Hill Middle School have prepared me very well to be the Dean of Students at Lone Hill Middle School:
b> Wiring projectors
b> Configuring Apple TV resolution
b> Gradebook support
b> Tracking down work orders for email passwords
b> Gathering data reports to place students in appropriate math classes
Much like adding garlic to a dish, there is an underlying flavor in all of my teacher interactions: a power differential that wasnb t there before, even when I was a coach and b just a teacher like you, but without students.b My relationship with the teachers on campus is a little different now.
Sure, they all still know they can ask me for support with anything; Ib ve given my cell number away to a dozen new people this week, and Ib ve had staff drop by my new office and ask for my input, just because we know each other.
Diary, it is my sincere hope for the year that my desire to serve my staff and students softens the blow for any hard conversations. I care deeply about getting all students and staff what they need to be successful, and that care has only gotten stronger in the last 13 years.
It’s been two days with students and I’m already finding my place on staff.
It turns out that unbridled enthusiasm and treating everyone with respect makes me a pretty good fit.
Oh, that?
b Matt Vaudrey (@MrVaudrey) August 21, 2019
Itb s just ^four other languages^ to support parents on back-to-school night.#Bonitians #back2school @lhmsroar
Story of the week: After the study hall period (called PAW, the last period of the day), a brand-new baby 6th grader asked me: “Excuse me. After my PAW class, where do I go?”
Me: Honey, school is out. You go home.
(Big smile) “Oh! Okay! Thanks!”
~Matt “Wait… what’s a Dean?” Vaudrey
“It’s like an Assistant Principal, but I don’t work all summer… Yes, just like Ms. KT the Assistant Principal… it’s pronounced VAH-dree…Yes, you can call me Mr. V.”