I hate talking about myself, which is why I’m writing a post about it.
On Friday, I had 6 adults in my classroom during one period. The Math Coach from another school came over with one of her teachers and the Director of IT from the district office. The RSP teacher and my math coach joined them and my principal happened to drop by for a visit that day.
Later, I got two more emails from people asking to come (with guests) and watch the iPad class. I’m not doing anything spectacular with the iPads, but it’s the big thing right now and apparently that makes me a hot ticket.
My principal did little to dispel my discomfort.
“In your class, you’ve made the iPad a part of the regular day. That’s what they want to see.”
There’s a circus in town, and the tent is in room P-08.
Recently, a new teacher posted on his/her blog “I want to skip to when I’m established in my craft, after all this hard work of becoming a good teacher.”
I thought that was interesting; because the established teachers that I know rarely feel that they have “arrived”.
Established teachers are the ones who improve daily.
Teachers who don’t improve haven’t “arrived”, they’ve stagnated.
I don’t feel like I deserve all the focus–the attention the iPad circus is getting.
That’s okay that I don’t deserve it. I haven’t arrived yet.
~Mr. V